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Blogs from January, 2017


Getting into a car accident is stressful, even when you know the identity of the other driver and obtain his or her insurance information. Your stress level increases when the other party leaves the scene or does not carry insurance as mandated by law. Many people assume they cannot collect compensation they’re rightfully entitled to in this situation. Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers are available to help you pursue a case regardless of the other driver’s lack of insurance coverage.

The Responsible Party May Have Other Resources

Not purchasing car insurance is an irresponsible choice, but this omission doesn’t always happen for financial reasons. The driver who hit you may have had a policy at one time but his or her insurance company cancelled it due to high risk. Another possibility is that the uninsured motorist had a suspended driver’s license. When you know the identity of the driver, our personal injury lawyers might be able to uncover sources of funds to pay you the compensation you deserve.

You May Need to File a Claim with Your Own Insurance Provider

Your insurance policy may include coverage for accidents with uninsured motorists. That means you are not liable just because you file a claim. By law, your carrier must provide a settlement to cover repair to your vehicle, medical costs, and lost wages. Your agent can then file a claim against the uninsured motorist who damaged your vehicle and caused your injuries.

One thing to keep in mind is that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. Your agent’s job is to minimize company losses, which means that you may feel unsatisfied with your settlement check. Our experienced attorneys are available to sue your own insurance company in this situation.

Schedule Your Free Case Evaluation

Needham, Kepner & Fish offers free case evaluations to all new personal injury clients. Please contact us at (408) 716-1668 or visit our website to learn more.
