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Blogs from September, 2021


The signs of nursing home abuse are not always obvious, especially given the nature of nursing home care. It is important to know how to recognize the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect, so that you can take action against it. Our San Jose elder abuse lawyers explain the potential signs below.

What Is Nursing Home Abuse in California?

Certain types of nursing home abuse may be physically visible on your loved one. However, under the California Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, elder abuse may consist of any of the following types of harm:

  • Physical elder abuse
  • Psychological or emotional abuse
  • Financial elder abuse
  • Elder neglect

Common Signs of Physical Elder Abuse

There are many different signs of physical abuse in a nursing home or assisted living facility. For example, physical elder abuse may include:

  • Sexual assault
  • Unexplained scrapes, bruises, burns or bleeding
  • Sprains, dislocated joints and/or broken bones
  • Missing teeth
  • Lacerations
  • Rope burns or strap abrasions (may be indications of forced restraint)

Common Signs of Psychological or Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can range from humiliation and threats to isolation against an elder’s will. In addition, sudden changes in behavior may indicate emotional abuse. Common signs may include:

  • Unexplained anxiety or fear
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Strained relationship between nursing home staff and the elder
  • Social isolation, such as withdrawal from activities that the elder previously enjoyed

Common Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Signs of nursing home neglect may include:

Signs of Financial Elder Abuse

Unfortunately, in many cases, financial elder abuse is committed by someone the elder knows. Common signs of financial elder abuse may include:

  • Misappropriation of funds
  • New credit card or financial accounts
  • Missing personal items, cash and/or valuables
  • Changes to estate plan, such as will, trust or power of attorney

More Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

In addition to the signs above, the following signs may also indicate nursing home abuse or neglect:

  • Evidence the victim is self-treating injuries
  • Delays in medical treatment for injuries
  • Lack of staff at the facility
  • Long delays in answering call lights
  • History of emergency room visits
  • Pattern of similar injuries among other members in the nursing home
  • Nursing home staff will not let you be alone with your loved one

What Do I Do If I Suspect Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?

If you believe your loved one is in immediate danger, it is vital that you take action to stop it immediately. Call your local authorities. In addition, if you suspect elder abuse, you should report it. You can report suspicions of nursing home abuse to Adult Protective Services (APS).

You should also document as much evidence as you can. For example, depending on the type of elder abuse and/or neglect, evidence may include:

  • Photos and written documentation of abuse or neglect
  • Medical records
  • Financial records
  • Records of conversations with residents or staff

Then, we recommend that you speak with a nursing home abuse lawyer about your situation. An attorney can help you understand your legal options and take action under California elder abuse laws. You can see our full guide about what to do if you suspect elder abuse and/or neglect here.

Contact Our San Jose Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

The nursing home abuse lawyers at Needham Kepner & Fish LLP have the experience and resources necessary to get you and your loved one justice. We represent clients throughout the Bay Area, including San Jose, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County and Alameda County. Call us at (408) 716-1668 or fill out our confidential online contact form to schedule a free consultation.
